Source code for datascience.maps

"""Draw maps using folium."""

__all__ = ['Map', 'Marker', 'Circle', 'Region']

import IPython.display
import folium
import pandas
import numpy as np

import abc
import collections
import json
import functools
import random

_number = (int, float, np.number)

class _FoliumWrapper(abc.ABC):
    """A map element that can be drawn."""
    _width = 0
    _height = 0
    _folium_map = None

    def draw(self):
        """Draw and cache map."""
        if not self._folium_map:
        return self._folium_map

    def as_html(self):
        """Generate HTML to display map."""
        if not self._folium_map:
        return self._inline_map(self._folium_map, self._width, self._height)

    def show(self):
        """Publish HTML."""

    def _repr_html_(self):
        return self.as_html()

    def _inline_map(m, width, height):
        """Returns an embedded iframe of a"""
        src = m.HTML.replace('"', '"')
        style = "width: {}px; height: {}px".format(width, height)
        html = '<iframe srcdoc="{}" style="{}"; border: none"></iframe>'.format(src, style)
        # See
        if hasattr(m, 'json_data'):
            for name, data in m.json_data.items():
                stub = 'function(callback){callback(null, JSON.parse('
                replace = stub + repr(json.dumps(data).replace('"', '&quot;')) + '))}'
                html = html.replace('d3.json, ' + repr(name), replace)
        return html

    def _set_folium_map(self):
        """Set the _folium_map attribute to a map."""

[docs]class Map(_FoliumWrapper, """A map from IDs to features. Keyword args are forwarded to folium.""" _mapper = folium.Map _default_lat_lon = (37.872, -122.258) _default_zoom = 12 def __init__(self, features=(), ids=(), width=960, height=500, **kwargs): if isinstance(features, np.ndarray): features = list(features) if isinstance(features, if len(ids) == len(features): features = dict(zip(ids, features)) else: assert len(ids) == 0 features = dict(enumerate(features)) elif isinstance(features, _MapFeature): features = {0: features} assert isinstance(features, dict), 'Map takes a list or dict of features' self._features = features self._attrs = { 'tiles': 'OpenStreetMap', 'max_zoom': 17, 'min_zoom': 10, } self._width = width self._height = height self._attrs.update(kwargs) def __getitem__(self, id): return self._features[id] def __len__(self): return len(self._features) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._features) def _set_folium_map(self): self._folium_map = self._create_map() for feature in self._features.values(): feature.draw_on(self._folium_map) def _create_map(self): attrs = {'width': self._width, 'height': self._height} attrs.update(self._autozoom()) attrs.update(self._attrs.copy()) # Enforce zoom consistency attrs['max_zoom'] = max(attrs['zoom_start']+2, attrs['max_zoom']) attrs['min_zoom'] = min(attrs['zoom_start']-2, attrs['min_zoom']) return self._mapper(**attrs) def _autozoom(self): """Calculate zoom and location.""" bounds = self._autobounds() attrs = {} midpoint = lambda a, b: (a + b)/2 attrs['location'] = ( midpoint(bounds['min_lat'], bounds['max_lat']), midpoint(bounds['min_lon'], bounds['max_lon']) ) # self._folium_map.fit_bounds( # [bounds['min_long'], bounds['min_lat']], # [bounds['max_long'], bounds['max_lat']] # ) # remove the following with new Folium release # rough approximation, assuming max_zoom is 18 import math try: lat_diff = bounds['max_lat'] - bounds['min_lat'] lon_diff = bounds['max_lon'] - bounds['min_lon'] area, max_area = lat_diff*lon_diff, 180*360 if area: factor = 1 + max(0, 1 - self._width/1000)/2 + max(0, 1-area**0.5)/2 zoom = math.log(area/max_area)/-factor else: zoom = self._default_zoom zoom = max(1, min(18, round(zoom))) attrs['zoom_start'] = zoom except ValueError as e: raise Exception('Check that your locations are lat-lon pairs', e) return attrs def _autobounds(self): """Simple calculation for bounds.""" bounds = {} def check(prop, compare, extreme, val): opp = min if compare is max else max bounds.setdefault(prop, val) bounds[prop] = opp(compare(bounds[prop], val), extreme) def bound_check(lat_lon): lat, lon = lat_lon check('max_lat', max, 90, lat) check('min_lat', min, -90, lat) check('max_lon', max, 180, lon) check('min_lon', min, -180, lon) lat_lons = [lat_lon for feature in self._features.values() for lat_lon in feature.lat_lons] if not lat_lons: lat_lons.append(self._default_lat_lon) for lat_lon in lat_lons: bound_check(lat_lon) return bounds @property def features(self): feature_list = [] for key, value in self._features.items(): f = collections.OrderedDict([('id', key), ('feature', value)]) f.update( feature_list.append(f) return feature_list
[docs] def format(self, **kwargs): """Apply formatting.""" attrs = self._attrs.copy() attrs.update({'width': self._width, 'height': self._height}) attrs.update(kwargs) return Map(self._features, **attrs)
[docs] def geojson(self): """Render features as a FeatureCollection.""" return { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [f.geojson(i) for i, f in self._features.items()] }
[docs] def color(self, values, ids=(), key_on='', palette='YlOrBr', **kwargs): """Color map features by binning values. values -- a sequence of values or a table of keys and values ids -- an ID for each value; if none are provided, indices are used key_on -- attribute of each feature to match to ids palette -- one of the following color brewer palettes: 'BuGn', 'BuPu', 'GnBu', 'OrRd', 'PuBu', 'PuBuGn', 'PuRd', 'RdPu', 'YlGn', 'YlGnBu', 'YlOrBr', and 'YlOrRd'. Defaults from Folium: threshold_scale: list, default None Data range for D3 threshold scale. Defaults to the following range of quantiles: [0, 0.5, 0.75, 0.85, 0.9], rounded to the nearest order-of-magnitude integer. Ex: 270 rounds to 200, 5600 to 6000. fill_opacity: float, default 0.6 Area fill opacity, range 0-1. line_color: string, default 'black' GeoJSON geopath line color. line_weight: int, default 1 GeoJSON geopath line weight. line_opacity: float, default 1 GeoJSON geopath line opacity, range 0-1. legend_name: string, default None Title for data legend. If not passed, defaults to columns[1]. """ # Set values and ids to both be simple sequences by inspecting values id_name, value_name = 'IDs', 'values' if isinstance(values, assert not ids, 'IDs and a map cannot both be used together' if hasattr(values, 'columns') and len(values.columns) == 2: table = values ids, values = table.columns id_name, value_name = table.labels else: dictionary = values ids, values = list(dictionary.keys()), list(dictionary.values()) if len(ids) != len(values): assert len(ids) == 0 # Use indices as IDs ids = list(range(len(values))) m = self._create_map() data = pandas.DataFrame({id_name: ids, value_name: values}) attrs = { 'geo_str': json.dumps(self.geojson()), 'data': data, 'columns': [id_name, value_name], 'key_on': key_on, 'fill_color': palette, } kwargs.update(attrs) m.geo_json(**kwargs) colored = self.format() colored._folium_map = m return colored
[docs] def read_geojson(cls, path_or_json_or_string): """Read a geoJSON string, object, or file. Return a dict of features keyed by ID.""" assert path_or_json_or_string data = None if isinstance(path_or_json_or_string, (dict, list)): data = path_or_json_or_string try: data = json.loads(path_or_json_or_string) except ValueError: pass try: path = path_or_json_or_string if path.endswith('.gz') or path.endswith('.gzip'): import gzip contents =, 'r').read().decode('utf-8') else: contents = open(path, 'r').read() data = json.loads(contents) except FileNotFoundError: pass # TODO web address assert data, 'MapData accepts a valid geoJSON object, geoJSON string, or path to a geoJSON file' return cls(cls._read_geojson_features(data))
@staticmethod def _read_geojson_features(data, features=None, prefix=""): """Return a dict of features keyed by ID.""" if features is None: features = collections.OrderedDict() for i, feature in enumerate(data['features']): key = feature.get('id', prefix + str(i)) feature_type = feature['geometry']['type'] if feature_type == 'FeatureCollection': _read_geojson_features(feature, features, prefix + '.' + key) elif feature_type == 'Point': value = Circle._convert_point(feature) elif feature_type in ['Polygon', 'MultiPolygon']: value = Region(feature) else: # TODO Support all value = None features[key] = value return features
class _MapFeature(_FoliumWrapper, abc.ABC): """A feature displayed on a map. When displayed alone, a map is created.""" # Method name for a folium.Map to add the feature _map_method_name = "" # Default dimensions for displaying the feature in isolation _width = 180 _height = 180 def draw_on(self, folium_map): """Add feature to Folium map object.""" f = getattr(folium_map, self._map_method_name) f(**self._folium_kwargs) def _set_folium_map(self): """A map containing only the feature.""" m = Map(features=[self], width=self._width, height=self._height) self._folium_map = m.draw() ############# # Interface # ############# @property @abc.abstractmethod def lat_lons(self): """Sequence of lat_lons that describe a map feature (for zooming).""" @property @abc.abstractmethod def _folium_kwargs(self): """kwargs for a call to a map method.""" @abc.abstractmethod def geojson(self, feature_id): """Return GeoJSON."""
[docs]class Marker(_MapFeature): """A marker displayed with Folium's simple_marker method. popup -- text that pops up when marker is clicked color -- fill color Defaults from Folium: marker_icon: string, default 'info-sign' icon from ( you want on the marker clustered_marker: boolean, default False boolean of whether or not you want the marker clustered with other markers icon_angle: int, default 0 angle of icon popup_width: int, default 300 width of popup """ _map_method_name = 'simple_marker' _color_param = 'marker_color' def __init__(self, lat, lon, popup='', color='blue', **kwargs): assert isinstance(lat, _number) assert isinstance(lon, _number) self.lat_lon = (lat, lon) self._attrs = { 'popup': popup, self._color_param: color, } self._attrs.update(kwargs) @property def lat_lons(self): return [self.lat_lon]
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a deep copy""" return type(self)(self.lat_lon[:], **self._attrs)
@property def _folium_kwargs(self): attrs = self._attrs.copy() attrs['location'] = self.lat_lon return attrs
[docs] def geojson(self, feature_id): """GeoJSON representation of the marker as a point.""" lat, lon = self.lat_lon return { 'type': 'Feature', 'id': feature_id, 'geometry': { 'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': (lon, lat), }, }
[docs] def format(self, **kwargs): """Apply formatting.""" attrs = self._attrs.copy() attrs.update(kwargs) lat, lon = self.lat_lon return type(self)(lat, lon, **attrs)
@classmethod def _convert_point(cls, feature): """Convert a GeoJSON point to a Marker.""" lon, lat = feature['geometry']['coordinates'] popup = feature['properties'].get('name', '') return cls(lat, lon) @classmethod
[docs] def map(cls, latitudes, longitudes, labels=None, colors=None, **kwargs): """Return markers from columns of coordinates, labels, & colors.""" assert len(latitudes) == len(longitudes) inputs = [latitudes, longitudes] if labels is not None: assert len(labels) == len(latitudes) inputs.append(labels) else: inputs.append(("",) * len(latitudes)) if colors is not None: assert len(colors) == len(latitudes) inputs.append(colors) ms = [cls(*args, **kwargs) for args in zip(*inputs)] return Map(ms)
[docs] def map_table(cls, table, **kwargs): """Return markers from the colums of a table.""" return*table.columns, **kwargs)
[docs]class Circle(Marker): """A marker displayed with Folium's circle_marker method. popup -- text that pops up when marker is clicked color -- fill color radius -- pixel radius of the circle Defaults from Folium: fill_opacity: float, default 0.6 Circle fill opacity """ _map_method_name = 'circle_marker' _color_param = 'fill_color' def __init__(self, lat, lon, popup='', color='blue', radius=10, **kwargs): super().__init__(lat, lon, popup, color, radius=radius, line_color=None, **kwargs)
[docs]class Region(_MapFeature): """A GeoJSON feature displayed with Folium's geo_json method.""" _map_method_name = 'geo_json' def __init__(self, geojson, **kwargs): assert 'type' in geojson assert geojson['type'] == 'Feature' assert 'geometry' in geojson assert 'type' in geojson['geometry'] assert geojson['geometry']['type'] in ['Polygon', 'MultiPolygon'] self._geojson = geojson self._attrs = kwargs @property def lat_lons(self): """A flat list of (lat, lon) pairs.""" return _lat_lons_from_geojson(self._geojson['geometry']['coordinates']) @property def type(self): """The GEOJSON type of the regions: Polygon or MultiPolygon.""" return self._geojson['geometry']['type'] @property def polygons(self): """Return a list of polygons describing the region. - Each polygon is a list of linear rings, where the first describes the exterior and the rest describe interior holes. - Each linear ring is a list of positions where the last is a repeat of the first. - Each position is a (lat, lon) pair. """ if self.type == 'Polygon': polygons = [self._geojson['geometry']['coordinates']] elif self.type == 'MultiPolygon': polygons = self._geojson['geometry']['coordinates'] return [ [ [_lat_lons_from_geojson(s) for s in ring ] for ring in polygon] for polygon in polygons] @property def properties(self): return self._geojson.get('properties', {})
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a deep copy""" return type(self)(self._geojson.copy(), **self._attrs)
@property def _folium_kwargs(self): attrs = self._attrs.copy() attrs['geo_str'] = json.dumps(self._geojson) return attrs
[docs] def geojson(self, feature_id): """Return GeoJSON with ID substituted.""" if self._geojson.get('id', feature_id) == feature_id: return self._geojson else: geo = self._geojson.copy() geo['id'] = feature_id return geo
[docs] def format(self, **kwargs): """Apply formatting.""" attrs = self._attrs.copy() attrs.update(kwargs) return Region(self._geojson, **attrs)
def _lat_lons_from_geojson(s): """Return a latitude-longitude pairs from nested GeoJSON coordinates. GeoJSON coordinates are always stored in (longitude, latitude) order. """ if len(s) >= 2 and isinstance(s[0], _number) and isinstance(s[0], _number): lat, lon = s[1], s[0] return [(lat, lon)] else: return [lat_lon for sub in s for lat_lon in _lat_lons_from_geojson(sub)]