
Table.relabel(column_label, new_label)[source]

Change the labels of columns specified by column_label to labels in new_label.

column_label (single str or list/array of str): The label(s) of
columns to be changed. Must be str.
new_label (single str or list/array of str): The new label(s) of

columns to be changed. Must be str.

Number of elements must match number of elements in column_label.

Original table with modified labels
>>> table = Table().with_columns([
...     'points', (1, 2, 3),
...     'id',     (12345, 123, 5123)])
>>> table.relabel('id', 'yolo')
points | yolo
1      | 12345
2      | 123
3      | 5123
>>> table.relabel(['points', 'yolo'], ['red', 'blue'])
red  | blue
1    | 12345
2    | 123
3    | 5123
>>> table.relabel(['red', 'green', 'blue'], ['cyan', 'magenta', 'yellow', 'key'])
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Invalid arguments. column_label and new_label must be of equal length.
>>> table.relabel(['red', 'blue'], ['blue', 'red'])
blue | red
1    | 12345
2    | 123
3    | 5123