
Table.hist(select=None, overlay=True, bins=None, counts=None, unit=None, **vargs)[source]

Plots one histogram for each column in the table.

Every column must be numerical.

overlay (bool): If True, plots 1 chart with all the histograms
overlaid on top of each other (instead of the default behavior of one histogram for each column in the table). Also adds a legend that matches each bar color to its column.
bins (column name or list): Lower bound for each bin in the
histogram. If None, bins will be chosen automatically.
counts (column name or column): A column of counted values.
All other columns are treated as counts of these values. If None, each value in each row is assigned a count of 1.
vargs: Additional arguments that get passed into :func:plt.hist.
See for additional arguments that can be passed into vargs. These include: range, normed, cumulative, and orientation, to name a few.
>>> t = Table().with_columns(
...     'count',  make_array(9, 3, 3, 1),
...     'points', make_array(1, 2, 2, 10))
>>> t
count | points
9     | 1
3     | 2
3     | 2
1     | 10
>>> t.hist() 
<histogram of values in count>
<histogram of values in points>
>>> t = Table().with_columns(
...     'value',      make_array(101, 102, 103),
...     'proportion', make_array(0.25, 0.5, 0.25))
>>> t.hist(counts='value') 
<histogram of values in prop weighted by corresponding values in value>