Tables (datascience.tables)ΒΆ

Summary of methods for Table. Click a method to see its documentation.

One note about reading the method signatures for this page: each method is listed with its arguments. However, optional arguments are specified in brackets. That is, a method that’s documented like (first_arg, second_arg[, some_other_arg, fourth_arg])

means that the method must be called with first_arg and second_arg and optionally some_other_arg and fourth_arg. That means the following are valid ways to call, 2), 2, 'hello'), 2, 'hello', 'world'), 2, some_other_arg='hello')

But these are not valid: # Missing arg, 2[, 'hi']) # SyntaxError, 2[, 'hello', 'world']) # SyntaxError

If that syntax is confusing, you can click the method name itself to get to the details page for that method. That page will have a more straightforward syntax.

At the time of this writing, most methods only have one or two sentences of documentation, so what you see here is all that you’ll get for the time being. We are actively working on documentation, prioritizing the most complicated methods (mostly visualizations).


Table.__init__([labels, _deprecated, formatter]) Create an empty table with column labels.
Table.empty([labels]) Create an empty table.
Table.from_records(records) Create a table from a sequence of records (dicts with fixed keys).
Table.from_columns_dict(columns) Create a table from a mapping of column labels to column values.
Table.read_table(filepath_or_buffer, *args, ...) Read a table from a file or web address.
Table.from_df(df) Convert a Pandas DataFrame into a Table.
Table.from_array(arr) Convert a structured NumPy array into a Table.

Extension (does not modify original table)

Table.with_column(label, values) Return a table with an additional or replaced column.
Table.with_columns(*labels_and_values) Return a table with additional or replaced columns.
Table.with_row(row) Return a table with an additional row.
Table.with_rows(rows) Return a table with additional rows.
Table.relabeled(label, new_label) Returns a table with label changed to new_label.

Accessing values

Table.num_columns Number of columns.
Table.column(index_or_label) Return the values of a column as an array.
Table.num_rows Number of rows.
Table.rows Return a view of all rows.
Table.row(index) Return a row.
Table.labels Return a tuple of column labels.
Table.column_index(column_label) Return the index of a column.
Table.apply(fn[, column_label]) Returns an array where fn is applied to each set of elements by row from the specified columns in column_label.

Mutation (modifies table in place)

Table.set_format(column_label_or_labels, ...) Set the format of a column.
Table.move_to_start(column_label) Move a column to the first in order.
Table.move_to_end(column_label) Move a column to the last in order.
Table.append(row_or_table) Append a row or all rows of a table.
Table.append_column(label, values) Appends a column to the table or replaces a column.
Table.relabel(column_label, new_label) Change the labels of columns specified by column_label to labels in new_label.

Transformation (creates a new table)

Table.copy(*[, shallow]) Return a copy of a Table.*column_label_or_labels) Returns a new Table with only the columns in column_label_or_labels.
Table.drop(*column_label_or_labels) Return a Table with only columns other than selected label or labels.
Table.take() Return a new Table of a sequence of rows taken by number.
Table.exclude() Return a new Table without a sequence of rows excluded by number.
Table.where(column_or_label[, ...]) Return a new Table containing rows where value_or_predicate returns True for values in column_or_label.
Table.sort(column_or_label[, descending, ...]) Return a Table of rows sorted according to the values in a column.[, collect]) Group rows by unique values in a column; count or aggregate others.
Table.groups(labels[, collect]) Group rows by multiple columns, count or aggregate others.
Table.pivot(columns, rows[, values, ...]) Generate a table with a column for rows (or a column for each row in rows list) and a column for each unique value in columns.
Table.stack(key[, labels]) Takes k original columns and returns two columns, with col.
Table.join(column_label, other[, other_label]) Generate a table with the columns of self and other, containing rows for all values of a column that appear in both tables.
Table.stats([ops]) Compute statistics for each column and place them in a table.
Table.percentile(p) Returns a new table with one row containing the pth percentile for each column.
Table.sample([k, with_replacement, weights]) Returns a new table where k rows are randomly sampled from the original table.
Table.split(k) Returns a tuple of two tables where the first table contains k rows randomly sampled and the second contains the remaining rows.
Table.bin([select]) Group values by bin and compute counts per bin by column.

Exporting / Displaying[max_rows]) Display the table.
Table.as_text([max_rows, sep]) Format table as text.
Table.as_html([max_rows]) Format table as HTML.
Table.index_by(column_or_label) Return a dict keyed by values in a column that contains lists of rows corresponding to each value.
Table.to_array() Convert the table to a structured NumPy array.
Table.to_df() Convert the table to a Pandas DataFrame.
Table.to_csv(filename) Creates a CSV file with the provided filename.


Table.plot([column_for_xticks, select, overlay]) Plot line charts for the table.[column_for_categories, select, ...]) Plot bar charts for the table.
Table.barh([column_for_categories, select, ...]) Plot horizontal bar charts for the table.
Table.pivot_hist(pivot_column_label, ...[, ...]) Draw histograms of each category in a column.
Table.hist([select, overlay, bins, counts, unit]) Plots one histogram for each column in the table.
Table.scatter(column_for_x[, select, ...]) Creates scatterplots, optionally adding a line of best fit.
Table.boxplot(**vargs) Plots a boxplot for the table.